Work Only 3 Months Per Year And Play For 9 Months With Your Own Holiday Lighting Business

Are you an outdoorsy person? Or do you dream of traveling for months at a time? Or maybe just someone who appreciates long periods of down time. Whatever the reason, starting a holiday lighting business may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

While working only 3 months out of the year might seem like a pie in the sky dream, it is in fact more attainable than you probably think. I should know because I’ve done it, as have many other professional Christmas light installers from around the world.

In most parts of the world, the holiday lighting markets boom for a little less than 3 months leading up to Christmas and then die off for the rest of the year before picking up again after Halloween. Therefore by operating a holiday lighting business Continue reading Work Only 3 Months Per Year And Play For 9 Months With Your Own Holiday Lighting Business

Make More Money In 2 Months Than Others Do Year Round With Your Own Christmas Light Installation Business

In my experience, I would say that most Holiday lighting companies are small (2-4 employees) and only have the ability to handle a limited amount of customers each year.

Once some installation companies establish core clients after their first year, many of them don’t even market. Their business comes from previous jobs or referrals from current clients, which usually is made up of neighbors, family and friends.

Each holiday season, you will find that more calls Continue reading Make More Money In 2 Months Than Others Do Year Round With Your Own Christmas Light Installation Business

Is The Christmas Light Business Profitable

According to several sources, the Christmas Lighting industry has had an amazing 1000% increase in growth over the last 10 years! I have been in this business for over seven years. I saw it when it was small and have seen it grow exponentially! Also, residential homeowners as well as commercial and professional business owners spend over a billion dollars each Christmas season for this service and its associated products. And, with the Christmas lighting industry being fairly new, this quite possibly will be the perfect add-on service to your existing business. It is also the perfect business that can earn you enough in 90 days so you can either take the rest of the year off or run another seasonal business during the other 9 months of the year.

As a general rule, the installation season begins in early October focusing mainly on commercial properties. This is when you will start to look for leads and begin your installations. The season ends in mid to late January when you’ve finished taking down all the lights from your clients homes and businesses.

Christmas light installation businesses can make more than $1000 per day per work crew during the season. Well-organized installation crews Continue reading Is The Christmas Light Business Profitable

How Much Money Can Someone Make Hanging Christmas Lights

Each year, people spend over 400 million dollars on lighting services over the holidays. Over the last 10 years, the industry has grown tenfold. The beauty of the Christmas Light installation industry is that virtually anyone can do it. No prior business knowledge is required. I know high school students that make $12,000 or more in just 60 days. I believe that anyone can make at least $20,000 in the 60 days leading up to Christmas. Great installers earn over $100,000 during the Holiday season. What the industry offers is an easy to start business opportunity. Most aspects of Continue reading How Much Money Can Someone Make Hanging Christmas Lights

Can You Make Money Installing Christmas Lights

The Holiday Lighting and Decorating Industry has experienced an 800% GROWTH over the last 6 years! Also according to industry sources, residential homeowners and commercial and professional business owners spend over $200 Million each holiday season for this service.

And, with the holiday lighting and decorating industry being in it’s infancy, this may be the perfect “Add-on” service to your existing business or a stand alone business that earns you enough in 3 months to take the rest of the year off.

Generally, the lighting season begins in late October, Continue reading Can You Make Money Installing Christmas Lights

Wintertime Income For Landscape Contractors

Landscaping is a job with many benefits. 2 of the biggest benefits are making a lot of money during the summer months and being able to work outdoors. Although there is a lot of money to be made during the summer, for many landscapers the money virtually stops flowing during the winter months. This means landscape contractors have to find other ways of making money. Here are some ideas for winter time income for landscape contractors.

There are a few different ways landscape contractors can make money during the off season. One of the best ways is by installing Christmas lights for people. This can be done for both residents and businesses. It actually fits right in with a landscaping business because the landscape contractor can use the same work crews and already has a large client base to market to.

Believe it or not, installing Christmas lights is very profitable. There are a lot of people who love to have their home or business decorated for the holidays but they don’t have the time, the will or the skill needed to do it well. These are people who are more than willing to pay to have their Christmas lights installed for them. They’re also people who Continue reading Wintertime Income For Landscape Contractors

Where To Find Christmas Decorations And Ornaments

Are you looking for the best Christmas decoration and ornaments? There are a lot of stores everywhere. If you take a look through your local mall, you’re likely to find a huge selection of decorations to suit just about any taste and budget.

The perfect time to shop for decorations is the start of December. During this season, some shops and stores offer great discounts. Sometimes, you need to buy the tree first, and after displaying it in your home for a few days, you’ll come up with imaginative ideas on how to decorate it.

When it comes to ornaments, the best thing to do is to choose the color of your decorations to compliment the tree itself, Continue reading Where To Find Christmas Decorations And Ornaments

The 10 Christmas Decoration Tips You Must Know

Decorating for Christmas is one of the best things about the holidays. The twinkling of lights, the sight of a perfectly trimmed tree and a perfectly placed wreath adorning your front door are all gentle reminders of the joyous Christmas season.

When decorating your home, you want the décor to reflect your own personal style while keeping the Christmas tradition always present. A few tips can help make this holiday decorating season even brighter.

Christmas Decoration Tip #1: Lights Out

With each year that passes, Christmas lights tend to burn out at some point. Unless you have a strand that burns with the exception of the troublesome light, it can be a real headache to find the faulty bulb. Consider investing in a light tester, which will check each individual light and detect the one that needs replacing. These can be found with the Christmas supplies at most department stores.

Christmas Decoration Tip #2: Angels Nearby

Whenever possible, decorate your home with angels. They add a touch Continue reading The 10 Christmas Decoration Tips You Must Know

Can Anyone Start A Christmas Light Installation Business

Christmas Light Installation is a business opportunity for anyone that is interested in making money fast. Whether you’re looking for some extra money for Christmas gifts, a new job, a way to get out of debt or just a chance to own your own business, this kit is for you.

It doesn’t matter at what stage you are in life or what your financial or educational Background is; this business kit can be your fast-track to financial freedom. I constantly receive emails from satisfied readers about how this business kit has helped start a successful Christmas Light Installation business or even help them increase revenue year after year.

I think it’s a great fit for any of these people: Continue reading Can Anyone Start A Christmas Light Installation Business

6 Reasons To Start Your Own Christmas Light Installation Business

Of all the home businesses out there, Christmas Light Installation businesses may be one of the best kept secrets around. Most people think of hanging Christmas lights as a low paying, low potential, grunt work job, and therefore they never give it a closer look. But, in reality installing lights and decorations is a highly profitable, low overhead, easy to start and run business.
Let’s take a look at what makes holiday lighting such a great business to start: Continue reading 6 Reasons To Start Your Own Christmas Light Installation Business